May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005


A Note Regarding the Nature of Christ

Now that I'm in seminary, I'm probably still not qualified to state the following (and will likely amend and re-amend it for better wording over time), but here is this:

the one primary thing it takes
to be one with christ
is to be assiduously vigilant
about acting out a humble, loving, and personal
subservience to a free (free as in liberty, but not necessarily free as in beer) education,
dignity, needs, peace, and happiness
with others and self.

a secondary thing is having
a connection with the holy
-- as defined by yourself, by way of any known or knowable religious pursuits
or artistic connection to the world --
and also perhaps a singularly
object of worship for a master.

It just keeps getting better and better. Given the pretention of a post like this, trying to accurately define what it takes to be (one with) Christ, it seems oddly appropriate that this is the kind of feedback I get for a post like this.

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