May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


A Trip to the Berkeley Bowl

music: Either Ministry - Just Like You, or something else I was listening to on KALX, the finest radio in the East Bay.

colors: A certain olive/army green, and a certain brownish/beige plaid pattern.

mood: Good. Finally relaxing perhaps. I traded in my addiction to a certain EQ-like stressfest hack'n slash video-game (note to self: it actually says "hack 'n slash" right on the homepage, duh) for a much kinder and gentler video-game addiction which is more hack 'n slack. I bought it for six bucks, but it will probably cost me about a hundred hours. :| The good news is that its a pretty stimulating game with many interesting plotlines, and a huge backstory containing the video game world's creation mythos and religious hierarchies, etc, whereas Champions of Norrath can be mind-numbing at times.

thoughts: OMG, Berkeley Bowl is always a madhouse, even on Wednesday night at 8:00 pm. People just running their cards into one another, sometimes giving up on their adventure in grocery shopping, and abandoning their carts, like Michael Douglass in that spectacular movie Falling Down. At any given time, there are probably 15 abandoned shopping carts, 300 people there (all trying to plan effective routes to traverse the cart-traffic), and 50-100 people in line waiting to pay. Ask Christina, she knows. Steph knows too.

Anyway, at the store, in the frozen foods aisle, I saw a 20-something year old woman from behind, and never did see her face, but for the first time, fell in love with someone just because of the colors and textures of the clothes they had on. i'm still thinking about those colors, which are the ones that were noted up above. not only were they the most perfect, most sexy shade of army/olive green, but the pants she had on were the perfect complement to a lovely, brown hooded sweatshirt which didn't really look like a plaid pattern, but was somehow subtly so.

i'll just acknowledge that llove for what it is and move on, because lord knows it could just never work out, what with her having a seemingly wonderful partner pushing the cart behind her, and with me being married to my lovely wife and all. that, plus i feel like the moment was just perfectly captured when i saw that color/pattern combo. best to just leave it be. in fact, i should probably stop talking about it at this point. :)

Also, I got a gift certificate to a jewelry store from Steph for Xmas, so picked out a couple organic earrings, and so they'll fit better without ripping my earholes to shreds, I am currently stretching with a stainless steel talon (imagine this, but with more of a C3-PO head instead of a burning-eyed skull).

Sync with th universal vibe.

pax hominibus,

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