May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Question for Industry Leaders regarding the profit motive and the new robotic workforce

colors: red white and blue

mood: somewhat hopeful

kind or unkind thought for the day: As more of the workforce becomes automated, humans will lose jobs. To industry execs and planners, my question is "Are we going to take advantage of this to make the world a utopia for humans to coexist in peace, with our needs met, or is this just going to be another way for large corporations to make amazing amounts of money while leaving large quantities of people out on the street?" I wonder if this new change will force the hand of capitalism to finally acquiesce to socialist forces. Then again, I don't think the article takes into account everything, including the true cost (raw materials and environmental damage) of making millions of robots....

To find the article I'm referring to click here.

As a side note, I submitted my resume for a part-time job as an admin assistant at the Resurrection Lutheran church a few blocks from our house. Even though (or perhaps because) it's a Lutheran church, I think I'll gain some good experience if I get the position. I wonder what will come of it....

starpower: 0.8 Thurstons

chant/prayer/mantra: spiral out. keep going.

a fran-style bus hug to ya,

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Sterling software for generating fractals

colors: grey brown grey brown grey brown grey

mood: i don't know why i slept so restlessly last night but i did

kind or unkind thought for the day: sometimes when i need a reset, i spend a little time making fractals. sterling, the program linked to from the title, is pretty easy to use, and makes a pretty wide variety of fractals. some day, when a.i. rules the day, all logic will look like this (humans likely won't be able to follow it, but at least it'll be pretty and awe-inspiring):

starpower: -1 thurstons

chant/prayer/mantra: taking care of business

Link of the day: Link to Sterling link page.



Watching Young and the Restless with My Favorite Mother-in-law

Today I am going to go to Ikea and Ace, and also a lumber store to set up a shelf for the computer and keyboard, plus get a few small hardware parts for around the apartment. Need to get some wheels for the shelf since computers and music equipment tend to require plugging in innumerate cables, which is a super pain in the ass to get behind to hook up.

On as the world turns, they're going to have a baby-switching scenario yet again.

OK, here's the young and the restless:

"I mean, you just looked a little loneesome"

"just waiting for my daughter"

"well talk to you later"

"don't be a stranger"

hi. hi mommy. hi sweetie. what are you thinking about? work?

mommy, i heard some big kids talking. you know the boy who was in the car when they had that accident? they say he's going to have a ttrial, and could be in a lot of trouble? what will they do to him if it IS his fault? did he hurt cassie on purpose. nope, it was just a sad misttake. you are such an angel.... no, not really. if i was i could make cassie come back. let the adults worry about the big stuff. baby, be careful alright. don't run, walk slowly.

people, these are very diffficult times. you haven't had to put up with this woman. i have. where do you get off? you butt in where you don't belong. ...instead of getting into my face about mine... wait a minute, i didn't start this. do your son a favor and stop making it look like you come froma long line of arrogant loudmouths who have no respect for the court room. .... it's ahot day, christine relax, you're going to pop an artery. jack... w

why don't i fix us some lungh? i ca'nt eat right now. affter richard was asking all those questions about cassie, it just makes me sick... it's obvious that she isn'tt a real person to him.. could he have been more condescending to you. actually, i thought the da was pretty gentle with me. nick the whole time iwa s up there under oath, i didn't know if iwas telling the truth or not. i appreciate the passion that you're both bringing to this. end of stofy. yes, tell them i'll be right there. there's something i need to take care of so i trust you two will work this out between yourselves. that was classic man. nice try. it's obvious you're trying to do an end run around me. you want to start a war with me. yo'ure not going to win. neal, you havve some issues witth me. we both want the same thing here -- newman enterprises success. are you sure? have a good day.

now, time ffor a commmercial. a hispanic woman on a bus. a kid in a laundryman. a fat man in a swimsuit. a rural woodcutting woman. merck--where patients come first.

we all wish for good health. if you're not taking caltrate, you may be coming up short. caltrate, for bone and colon health.

alavvert, try it free.

werthers: here at the home of werthers, we make our smoothe creamy candies.... the candy for someone very special.

he doesn't like to wait for results, i don't like to wait. one touch ultra.

this year, count on offfice depot for back to school s upplies. office depot, taking care of business.

the young and the restless will continue.

tv's next great thriller, criminal minds. go inside the mind of a criminal. i'm an insomniac who listens to metallica. what song could possibly speak to me. enter sandman.

news: escalating violence in mideast. another air disaster where a jetliner goes down.

l.a. weight loss 1.800.526.slim free consultations.

prop 78 doctors decide. is supported by doctors, paiitent groups, and pharmaceutical companies. yes on prop 78.

early edition on cbs five

threshold fridays this fall.

young and the restless. nobody does it better.

FIUNALLY back to this show.

what am i supposed to do. my dealer is gone? what are you doing, are you tricking me? who asked you to? who asked you to do any of this? if that's how youwant it? wait. you better not be dragging me to no rehab. i promise you mom, i'll take you to someplace you like. ok?

if he wasn't phyllis' son, if he wasn't accused of... i know you'd like him. he isn't guilty. i know you wish there was somme evidence that would prove him innocet... no, you don't know that. as long as i'm your mother on the face of this earth, you will havenoothihg to do with daniel. i want you to focus, and do something positive for you. i'll try. do you mean that or are you just giving me lip service. maybe its just finally starting to sink in. you know i do actulaly listen every onec in a while. i know you only want what's best for me. that's right sugar, i only wnat what's best for you. ytou know, if mpommy didn't have to go to work right now, i would sit here all day and talk to you. thank god you listend. i hope you have some perspective. i love you. i love you too.

all you need ia a little bit of dna and a high tech gadget.

dang, my fingers are now real ttired. i don't typically type that fast, and of course trying to kkeep up with the breakneck pace that they throw the daytime cliches out the CRT, i'm bound to be full up on errors.

hope you enjoyed your daytime soap fix.


ps, more commmercials:
lysol destroys tough rust stains, leaving the bowl sparkling clean. life demands lysol.

snoring man and dog. raiding the fridge, and then some vanilla falls. dreyers dibs. have fun with them. the next little thing in ice cream.

i love being the age i am. i don't want to look it. introducing advanced radiance from ocvver girl. east breasy beautiful covergirl.

kmart, this week only.

dogs. we're for puppies, wet nose, warm belly wagging tail. we're for playing, romping, gnawing, a cardbboard box in the corner, a good long nap. pedigree dog food.

introducing johnson's softwash. leaving you feeling baby soft all day. little diff between your skinn and your baby's.

scott peterson, killers. close to home, tuesdays this fall. on cbs.

now, back to the show.... :)

Sunday, August 14, 2005


wow. blogspam.

colors: red orange yellow

mood: just all right, recovering and obtaining extra slack

kind or unkind thought for the day: i like oakland. will always be fond of madison.

starpower: funny fish

chant/prayer/mantra: om mani padme hum

Just got a comment the other day -- my first ever "blog spam"

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog! I give it an A+ with a Gold Star!! If you want, you can check out my earn extra money online [bold part was a link] blog that reveals many things that nobody knows about how to easily make 90k/month online.

09 August, 2005 23:44

I'm deleting it forthwith.

Link of the day: Craigslist

fran-style bus hugs to all,

p.s. Hi Ellie! So far nothing broken, except one piece, which was a result of clumsiness unpacking, not the pack job.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005


Halliburton Trucks all over Wyoming

colors: black and white and gray all over

mood: exhausted

kind or unkind thought for the day: On highway 80, there are an amazing number of Halliburton trucks. For a while there, it seemed like every third truck we saw was one of theirs. IIRC, one of them had some organic toxic waste in it or something. Wyoming is full of cowboys, both nouveau and classic-style. Nevada too.

tomorrow, we arrive at our destination and set up the bed, plus maybe unpack some boxes. I am sick of driving, though must say that the Penske 22 ft truck really is a good way to go. The AC actually works, it has a radio AND a tape player (I got to listen to several tapes I made in the late 80's and early 90's -- the sound quality was actually pretty good, at least when listening through truck speakers with a heckuvalotta high truck noise level.

starpower: 0.1 thurstons

chant/prayer/mantra: pass the mints!


Saturday, August 6, 2005



Guest Post

I wrote this early yesterday morning, and I think it fits well here. Since Joel is busy living out of a suitcase and boxes for a bit, it seems like a good time to use/abuse my blog membership privileges.


colors: maroon
mood: at the time I wrote this, bemused and a little cranky; now, restless and somewhat bored.
starpower: 3.1415 thurstons
chant/prayer/mantra: "step down into sand, water carries us from here"

6:12am - The phone rings, jolting me out of a dream, and I scramble to answer it. If someone calls this early it is probably from the mainland, and probably important.

The woman on the phone sounds exactly like one of the characters from the movie Fargo. She's from the Linolakes State Bank, in Linolakes, Minnesota, and is calling to tell me that the fax I sent yesterday of my drivers license turned out really dark and therefore she can't use it. My father is setting up a joint bank account with myself and my brother on it as well, and so, as a matter of security ("Yuh know, that new Patriot Act?" in the words of my father), I need to provide the bank with a copy of my ID. He chose this bank, in a small town north of Minneapolis, because they gave him a better rate.

Anyway, she asked if I could just take a picture of my ID and mail it to her. I suggested that I just email the picture to her, but she informed me that her computer doesn't have email on it. "But doesn't the bank have an email address I could send it to?" I inquired. "The reason I ask is because I only own a digital camera, so it will already be electronic, and it would be a lot more work to print it out and mail it to you."

She checked with her boss, who reluctantly agreed, as long as I put "Attn: [employee name]" in the subject line so they can pull it off for her. She then started giving me the email address. "It's www of" Something tells me that this employee doesn't do a lot of email, and that they're not really used to customers contacting them electronically. I can imagine a conversation with the bank's website designer: "Do ya really think we need an email address? If ya say we do, okay, but I don't think we'll ever use it..." Her second recitation (upon my request) produced an email address that at least had an "@" symbol in it, but I double checked on their website anyway.

So I photographed my drivers license using the macro settings of the camera - note that just any old photo of the license would either be too small or too blurry for her to read the information, so I have no idea what she is thinking. I suspect that this is the very first account she has had to set up post-Patriot Act with an out-of-town client. I re-sized and edited the picture in photoshop, resisted the urge to replace the normal photo with the one of me with nine eyes on my head, and mailed it off.

But let's pause for a moment and think about this. You can see the logic at work here - a law, sent from on high, tells them they must see proof of identification (in the form of a valid ID such as drivers license or, though this bank would never think of it, probably a passport too), and so they request it from their customers. But it is no longer a valid ID if it is a copy of that ID. So what is accomplished here? If I wanted to, I could easily forge information, both on the fax and especially with the digital image. How does this make any of us in the US more secure? I guess now the Linolakes State Bank is sure that I am not an evil terrorist just waiting to get the money funneled through the other operative in Minnesota (my dad). Or more accurately, the bank now knows that it is in compliance with the letter of the new law.

All this is to say I do not appreciate being awakened way too early by someone who has no idea that it is very early in Hawaii so that I can provide proof of identification that I know damn well isn't really proof of anything since it could so easily be forged. Might as well just send the drivers license number by itself, since at least that can be independently verified in a database somewhere. I don't like being awakened and inconvenienced so that a bank can be in compliance with new regulations, especially when I know that this is a complete waste of time in terms of providing actual proof of identification.

You know, I really should have replaced the photo, just to shake them up a bit.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005


The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

I am in love with Carson McCullers.

Just like Janis, funny/sad that time will always keep us apart.


Monday, August 1, 2005


check out this public anonymous confessional

colors: yellow and cardboard brown

mood: tired, uninspired, and wanting to procrastinate

kind or unkind thought for the day: some candles can't be lit just by holding a match to them, either because they're wide cylindrical and the wax bowl at the top is too deep, or because the wick is pretty short. You need to pick them up and turn them o their side to properly light. I like to think, for today at least, that the world may be like that as well.

starpower: 2.0 thurstons, been listening to an old mixed tape while packing boxes (named "MTP" - sttands for Ministtry then Pixies, and if you're wearing any clothing with MTP on it, you have a license to kill, in that special Bob Dobbs' eyeball near-optimum lethality kind of way)

chant/prayer/mantra: If its round it rolls.

BTW, Hooty Canoe this year was a blast. Thanks to everyone who helped make it so fun.

bus hugs,

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