May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


You can go with this, or you can go with that...

In my big long post yesterday, I mentioned rational A.I., and all the amazing stuff it'll be able to do for us. Since then, I've been reading a bunch of stuff about unmanned surveillance drones and vein-reading biometric security.

Which prompts me to think I need an addendum to yesterday's post.

The A.I. technology (and technology or systems in general) that we create will either be there to free and enable the human spirit, or to suppress and confine it to further the interests of some anti-human venture.

I guess I must say I'd fall in the pro-human category, despite all the foibles. If we're kind to one another and leave good seeds in the timestream, just maybe we'll evolve beyond.


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