May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


WWHATSUP? Workshop on White Supremacy in the Workplace

This workshop at the 15th Annual Summit Against Racism in Pittsburgh was a powerful experience, and I want to make sure that it gets documented.  I am hoping my church, and other churches, and other institutions are ready to go through this educational experience, and to prepare/plan for a blessed change.

For now, just the pictures:
(note there are ten pictures here, and usually every picture is worth a thousand words.  that would make 10,000 words.  but i don't think there are actually that many here. :D)

In my thinking this is different nomenclature for what Unitarian Universalists call a "group covenant"
This is a no-bones about it clear statement of shared axioms

Some definitions of White Supremacy, as
discovered in small group conversations

Great definition that covers a lot.  I've also heard:
"Racism = prejudice + power."

Getting to the causes of institutional perpetuation is a key to unraveling inherent/instrumental racial oppressions, in my mind.

In case you prefer no headache from looking at the blurry words in the picture below:
Some Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture
  • Perfectionism
  • Sense of urgency
  • Defensiveness
  • Quantity over quality
  • Worship of the written word
  • Only one right way
  • Paternalism
  • Either/or thinking
  • Power hoarding
  • Fear of open conflict
  • Individualism
  • "I'm the only one"
  • Progress is better
  • Objectivity
  • Right to comfort


 Thank you so much, folks at WWHATSUP? Pittsburgh for a powerful and transformative workshop!

I also found out about Dismantling Racism Works, a VERY powerful resource for doing trainings at your church or institution.  If I recall correctly, the Oakland UU Congregation adopted their process.  A little poking around their website shows a list of other resources for engaging in anti-racism work.

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