May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


A couple pics from the Day Without Immigrants march back on May 1, 2006

Please note that neither of these pictures has been edited in any way, not even cropped (I take such good photos, they don't need no croppin' [g]).

I didn't realize at the time all of the complexity in the first one: that not only are there the two American flags (the old one and a potential new one), but that there is also a one-way sign pointing toward the peace flag, and an "international 'no left turn' sign" pointing toward the 50-stars version, and that right above the neon green "Jesus Christ Love You" poster there is a Trinity Properties sign on the apartment building behind...

And in this second one, actually taken first, is just a single exemplary sample of the several thousands of people who walked down Market Street in support of immigrants' rights. Note that there are a lot of families and kids there too. Honestly, there was a lot of strong fresh American-style energy at that rally. Often, in companies when the employees start to lack drive, hiring in a fresh infusion of "new blood" can really restart the energy and get things back on track. I can't see why there is a sizeable contingent of Americans who wouldn't want to let these new energetic people in, other than fear. :( Silly fear - don't forget what Prez. Roosevelt said...

lyrics: All the Colors / De Colores

1. All the colors, yes the colors we see in the springtime with all the of its flowers.
All the colors, when the sunlight shines out through a rift in the cloud and it showers.
All the colors, as a rainbow appears when a storm cloud is touched by the sun.

All the colors abound for the whole world around and for ev'ryone under the sun.
All the colors abound for the whole world around and for ev'ryone under the sun.

2. All the colors, yes the colors of people parading on by with their banners.
All the colors, yes the colors of pennants and streamers and plumes and bandannas.
All the colors, yes the colors of people now taking their place in the sun. Chorus

3. All the colors, yes the black and the white and the red and the brown and the yellow.
All the colors, all the colors of people who smile and shake hands and say "Hello!"
All the colors, yes the colors of people who know that their freedom is won. Chorus

(I just got done listening to a crummy digital voice recorder recording I made of a chapel last November where I played the song above on guitar while everyone sang those lyrics, plus a Spanish verse.

colors: ALL!

mood: More grounded?

chant/prayer/mantra: Inclusion rules.

pax hominibus,

Can we get rid of that flag with all the stars and just use the one with the peace symbol? I'd like that a lot.
Nice photos, tall man.
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