May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


My Sweetie is the greatest!

music: Les Paul and Mary Ford

colors: gray with rainbows

mood: cathartic

i cried yesterday for the first time in about a year. i was laying in bed with a whole bunch of chest pain, mostly as a result of doing some preliminary work toward the ustrasana yoga pose which must've opened up some longstanding scar tissue, and also compounded by going out to eat with some friends, where this malt shop served up a huge sandwich, followed by a huge brownie sundae which we split, neither of which we even finished, but i was too full and felt like puking even.

we talked while i was laying in bed, about some of the ongoing stressors in my life related to making ministerial plans, and the state of affairs in the world, and i just started sobbing it up. she has a way of really understanding, and listening. it felt so good to let it out and also to have her hear me the way she did. she really is the greatest.

no more cold compassion.

pax hominibus,

"And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean"

We have put your sweetie on the short list for canonization, but the new pope has been busy finding gay people to demonize. I'll see about getting the paperwork moved through faster, but my connections in the catholic church have become strained.
My girlfriend is just as sweet, and her enshrinement in Sainthood comes from Chutulu, and since we have connections with The Dark Forces due to our hatred of all things good and our desire to destroy hetero jesus lovers everywhere, she's on the fast track.
Rock on, Reberend J. These feelings of angst and other things shall pass.
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