May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Phone Books: Relics of the Past

Does anybody else have this problem?  The phone books arrive from a variety of companies, once per year.  I have no use of them, except perhaps as a booster seat for a child at our table.  I have the Internet.  Every time I drag these things from our doorstep to the trash, I feel yet again like humanity is failing.  Cutting down trees (or expending energy and water to recycle old paper), and making books filled with advertisements, then driving them all over the nation, delivering them door to door.  Such a waste on the environment. I've asked them to stop sending them, but then I moved to a new place, or I got back on their list.  These big blocks of paper just keep coming.

pax hominibus, agape to all, joel

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