May I let my voice be a clarion call. I will use these words for justice. I will use these words for truth. And humour.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Book Resources for Bereavement, Death, and Dying

For people who may be going through grief and loss, or anticipating it, a brief book list, culled from a larger list here (also note this list has books for children to understand death of loved ones):

author: title (publisher) ISBN

Harold Bauman: Living Through Grief (Lion 1999) 0 745 94136 2

Harold S Kushner: When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Anchor 2004) 1 400 03472 8

David Carroll: Living with Dying: A Loving Guide for Family and Close
Relatives (Marlowe) 1 569 24998 9

M Callanan & P Kelley: Final Gifts - Understanding and Helping the Dying (Hodder &
Stoughton 1994) 0 340 57481 X

pax hominibus,agape to all,joel

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Monday, September 6, 2010


Ancient Art

Drawn on the back of a coaster circa 1995, called "no longer behind the 8-ball"


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